
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Lets Talk About Dying

Presentation Summary Greg Konen In Peter Sauls (2011) Lets Talking about(predicate) Dying talk, he opened up with a very moving statement that when 2000 brain cells die daily he argues that our dying parade really truly has started. As a physician, he reports that he has seen many another(prenominal) changes in the last thirty years. One significant change is the theatrical role of engine room in healthcare. Technology, he argues, is credited with bread and butter prolonging, rather than life saving.He also states that chronic diseases are now taking control in the dying process. He postulated that the four ways to die are (a) fulminant death, (b) terminal illness, (c) organ failure, and (d) frailty (Saul, 2011). Sudden death is declining due to technology and increased education. Terminal illness is usually reserved for the younger person. pipe organ failure will lead people into the Intensive Care whole of the local hospital. He reports that there is seven times more tune associated with this type of death (Saul, 2011).He also states that one in five unite States citizens will experience this type of death (Saul, 2011). The final way to die, frailty, is what some people will experiences. Life longevity breeds frailty. This dwindling capacity is an essential part of aging (Saul, 2011). This increased longevity leads to longer life not necessarily better life (Saul, 2011). The key for healthcare trafficals is respecting patient choices (Saul, 2011).To research this concept, Saul undertook some research efforts to explore the dying process in Australia. He found that one in one hundred patients had go on directives which he called a dialogue (Saul, 2011). A chart reviewed showed that the healthcare profession failed to address the needs of advanced directives with their patients (Saul, 2011). Saul argued that respecting patient choices should just be normal practice for hospitals (Saul, 2011).He summarized his talk by stating that the two most o f import questions regarding the dying process are (a) who do you want to make your decisions? and (b) pay you spoken to that person? (Saul, 2011). His closing quote by Dame Cicely Saunders, You bet because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life is a poignant reminder that most people want, and deserve control, in the dying process. university extension Saul, T. , (2011, November). Lets talk about dying. Retrieved from http//www. ted. com/talks/peter_saul_let_s_talk_about_dying. html

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