
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Sleepy Time Gal Essay Example

Sleepy Time Gal Essay The stories Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner and Happy Endings by Margaret Atwood have an array of interesting characters that are portrayed using many devices such as actions, words, reputation, other characters and direct comment. The first story Sleepy Time Gal by Gary Gildner is about a man named Phil, his girlfriend and how they did not end up together. Two characters will be discussed from this story due to their relevance in the portrayal of the other. They are the narrator’s mother and father. The narrator’s father was is a practical person. This was first made known by the narrator to the readers when he described his father â€Å"gentle, but practical†[1] to forewarn the readers of the type of observations his father will contribute to the story. This direct comment helped in emphasizing this characteristic which, without it, will not be easily be noticeable. Moreover, while the claim that his father is gentle and practical comes from the narrator alone, it may be claimed that such comment is the general reputation of the father based on the way it was written. The text reads, â€Å"I have to break in here and say that my father, a gentle but practical man†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [2]. The description was stated as a matter of fact, and not of a personal opinion, as if people around them will not disagree to the fact of such description. We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sleepy Time Gal specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, the portrayal of the father’s characteristic did not stop here. It further used words by the father and comparison with other characters to prove and highlight the fact of such characteristics. As regards words, the narrator emphasized the fact that the father tend to focus more of facts and practical matters such as the great Depression. This fact was shown further later on in the story. While the story the father was telling his son is about his friend’s life and love, an account that is supposed to be emotional to some extent, the focus of his observations are not the emotions, but the events. This point will be made clearer with the discussion of how the character of the father is portrayed through other characters. At this point, it will be necessary to introduce the second character from the story. She is the mother of the narrator. It is her through her contributions in the story that she portrayed. She is also portrayed through her use of words and narration. She uses words that are more poetic such as â€Å"got tears in her eyes† instead of crying and â€Å"see it in their eyes†[3]. Even the narrator seems to find his father incapable of such words that when the words â€Å"see it in their eyes† were used in the story, he found it important to note that such was not â€Å"in [his] father’s telling†[4]. Contrary to what the father is, the mother is less practical and is rather more romantic and emotional. She sees the emotional parts of the story that the father tends to skip. Therefore, while the father is remarking on how â€Å"Phil spent his week’s pay on a new shirt and tie, the first one he ever owned†¦.† the night before Philâ€℠¢s girlfriend left for college, his mother is talking about how â€Å"[t]he women got tears in their eyes when Phil played her song†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [5]   Oftentimes, their statements come one after the others’, thus making the difference between their perspectives more marked and noticeable, making each of them a perfect tool to portray the other. This brings us to the second story Happy Endings, which is about happy endings that are not endings because they turn sour again for the characters in the story until they die. In this story, the most interesting character to discuss is the narrator. There are many characters used in the story. There are John, Mary, Madge, John, James and Fred. However, they are not portrayed in the story in the sense that they are not relevant as characters. They are merely tools to portray the narrator. Again, they were just â€Å"used†. They were only used to portray the narrator’s view about happy endings. There is no happy ending. Just when the characters finally have a happy ending of their own, the narrator will twist it to make it sour, sad and complicated. This change may still end in another happy ending, but that second happy ending will again be made sour, sad and complicated. This cycle continues until the character dies. Such belief shows cynicism on the part of the narrator and portrays him to be an unhappy person. He is one who believes that what happy ending he may have will not last because he does not believe in happy endings. The only true ending is death and all the others are fakes. For him, happy endings are j ust fake endings â€Å"either deliberately fake, with malicious intent to deceive, or just motivated by excessive optimism if not by downright sentimentality†[6]. Her character is also portrayed by the words he used in telling John, Mary, Madge, John, James and Fred. Their stories were told through a series of events as if these events ordinarily happen in everyone’s lives, devoid of any emotion and sentimentality. They are just facts about certain people’s lives. Each story ends with a happy ending, at least before they turn sour again, but these happy endings are not told in a happy way unlike how other happy endings would be told.

The Essay Topic and What to Write

The Essay Topic and What to WriteWriting a Position Argumentative Essay is essential to any writing class and is most often required of students that are studying for the LSAT. There are a number of ways in which a student can write an essay, and this can be used as a point of reference when studying for the LSAT. When a person wants to understand how to write a persuasive essay, they need to first understand what the arguments of a Position Argumentative Essay actually is.A Position Argumentative Essay is a formal written argument, mostly used by professors to outline their own views on a particular topic area. The purpose of a Position Argumentative Essay is to summarise all of the different points a professor has made during the course of the lecture so that the student can formulate his or her own opinion. The main aim of this document is to make the student think about the material that has been presented.There are a number of different ways in which this can be done, but one of the main ways in which a student can prepare to write a Position Argumentative Essay is to make sure that the individual paragraphs flow well together and that there is not much redundancy in the argument. This can be very difficult for a first time writer, as they do not know the proper way to write a Position Argumentative Essay. The best way to write a good Position Argumentative Essay is to make sure that the paragraph structure is maintained.One of the main objective of a good essay is to draw attention to the important ideas in the essay. This can be achieved through the use of various methods such as using strong and effective arguments, or by coming up with creative ways of presenting the points that are being made. This is what a student should look for when trying to prepare to write a Position Argumentative Essay.Once a student has settled on how they want to form their paragraphs and have their paragraphstructure set, they should then work on thinking about how they are going to best present their arguments. The main aim of a good argument is to convince the reader, and by thinking about what they wish to persuade the reader about, the entire writing process will become easier. This does not necessarily mean that the argument should be perfect, rather it means that they should have strong points and a good opportunity to present their case.Writing an essay requires a good number of skills, and one of the most important skills when it comes to writing a Position Argumentative Essay is writing. It is also important to realize that a lot of the information that is provided on the internet can be inaccurate, and a person needs to be careful to check any information that they receive in order to ensure that they are taking the correct route. In the case of an essay, it is very easy to become confused and have your argument misunderstood.There are also a number of other ways in which a person can improve their writing skills when it comes to writing a p ersuasive essay. Being able to change the tone of the paper is a key part of being able to make your arguments compelling. By checking your writing from time to time, and making sure that you are making changes where necessary, you can create a good argument that can persuade readers to accept your views.Many people find that when they are trying to write a persuasive essay, they need to spend a considerable amount of time writing their arguments. However, the key to being successful at this is to always remain positive and focus on what you want to achieve. It is also important to keep your logic as clear as possible to ensure that the reader understands what you are trying to convey.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Research Paper Topics That Can Be Used To Your Advantage

Research Paper Topics That Can Be Used To Your AdvantageWhen you are writing a basic research paper, you should always remember that you are primarily focused on the introduction and conclusion sections. In fact, the authors section is where most of the paper is typically written. The introduction should be written to give your readers a brief introduction to the topic at hand. There are many different subjects that can be written about in this introductory section, but the majority of the papers are on issues such as health, social trends, global warming, and employment.Each subject should be dealt with in various topics. The specific type of topic that you write about should be what the readers of the paper are interested in learning more about. If they are interested in learning more about the health care industry or the natural environment, then you will have a much easier time researching the material for the paper.If you are writing a more general type of paper, you should use the same basic research paper topics. The way you write this topic outlines is important. It is important to avoid large chunks of information because it will be hard to summarize your topic concisely when writing. The information should be broken down into smaller parts, and each part should be handled in a separate paragraph. This is also the best way to develop a proper flow in your paper.If you have the full outline completed, you should write each part of the paper on its own paragraph. You can then use a couple of words to explain what each paragraph is talking about in the body of the paper. For example, if you want to explain the technology at work in the following paragraph, then you should use the following words: electric vehicles, batteries, electric cars, solar cells, etc.It is also important to explain how these various technological advancements can affect a specific area of the population. Remember that you should not focus too much on the future of the technology. I t is more important to talk about the current status of a technology so that you will be able to talk about what effect these technologies will have on the future.There are many different types of technologies that you should be looking at when writing your paper. For example, in the next paragraph, you should talk about how the availability of electricity has changed the business world. By highlighting the different ways that this technology has changed the lives of people, you will be able to describe this better and be able to talk about how this change is affecting people's lives in a more detailed way.The two most major way that this change affects people is by the way that it affects their lives and how it affects businesses. Most of the time, the business world is the main affected. Electricity and technology have had a major impact on business, so you should focus on how this affects businesses.Keep in mind that when you are writing your research paper topics, you should alw ays use the same topics. The topics should be different depending on the topic of the paper. Remember that the main goal of your paper is to present a concise description of the issues so that your readers will be able to understand the topic properly.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper Topics

Sickle Cell Anemia Research Paper TopicsSickle cell anemia research paper topics are very important to consider when you are looking for a college course that will help you with your future. With the number of colleges now offering courses in this area it is important that you get involved with one that you are very familiar with. You want to be able to confidently enroll into your classes without any worries about the materials or assignments being not up to par.One of the most important things to remember about sickle cell anemia research paper topics is that you need to be sure that the instructor you are considering enrolling into this course has some experience in the field. This is the only way you can ensure that you are going to receive the best education possible. If you are going to take a course in this area and are unsure of the level of expertise that is needed, you may want to find another school.There are a variety of sickle cell anemia research paper topics to choose from. The one that you are most likely going to find and be interested in is the genetic aspect of the disease. The next most popular of these is the side effects that the symptoms and diseases can have on people. A good course will also be a good research paper topic as it will delve into the various treatments for the disease and their effectiveness.One of the things that good sickle cell anemia research paper topics should be doing is discussing all of the different treatments that are available for the disease. It is important that you find out everything that you can about these treatments so that you can know what to expect and how to prepare yourself for the treatments that you are going to need to take. If you do not have any idea of how to properly prepare for these treatments you are going to run into trouble.The next thing that you want to see about sickle cell anemia research paper topics is that you are going to learn all of the different ways that people can treat the disease. You will be learning about ways to lower the body's levels of iron and make sure that the sickle cells are no longer present in the body. This includes the different medications that can be used in order to keep the levels of iron low so that the illness does not take place.When you are taking sickle cell anemia research paper topics, it is important that you are trying to make sure that you are knowledgeable in all of the different treatments available. This is important because there are plenty of people who are sickened by other things than the disease itself. For instance, someone could have a rare blood disorder that causes blood to clump together instead of flowing freely. They would be less likely to have severe sickle cell anemia than someone who has normal blood flow.If you are looking for a sickle cell anemia research paper topics course then you want to make sure that you get information that will not only help you understand the problem, but also provide you wit h the resources that you need to do the right things. By using a course that can educate you in all of the different treatments for the disease you are likely to see results quickly. Whether you are a medical professional or you are just looking to better yourself, you are going to benefit greatly from taking one of these courses.