
Sunday, March 10, 2019

Based on the thematic content of each of their respective works, what do you think Muriel Rukeyser, Adrienne Rich and Ursula Le Guin would have to say to one another about the social construction of Gender?

Muriel Rukeysers The Birth of Venus (Gubar and Gilbert, 1996, p. 1695) and Adrienne Richs Diving into the Wreck (p. 1960) atomic number 18 both poems which use mythical images relating to the sea, piece of music Ursula Le Guins She Unnames Them (p. 1943) is a short storey which uses mythical images relating to the earth.This motif examines how the three authors piece a common thread in their pattern to depict time-worn constructions of gender merely use different aspects of an imagined carnal environwork forcet to show three non-patriarchal responses to this sexist culture.The epithet of the Rukeyser poem is borrowed from the title of a famous painting Birth of Venus by Botticelli, which shows the near-naked goddess rest on a shell and being transported by the waves on to the shore. This limning in turn is based on ancient Greek mythology and Rukeyser stresses the trip that the goddess has made from being created in a tempestuous and bloody informal act by the father-go d, by which she means Zeus, to being re-create in a lovely surf by the male artist as he saw her by which she means Botticelli.Rukeyser sees the goddess as despicable from one patriarchal extreme (the accursed and terrible goddess of love) to another (the rosiness and saving image) of human love. The poem shows a changed awareness of feminine major power everyplace human history, alone it stops short of making comments on what could or should be done with this knowledge. Adrienne Rich also depicts a journey, but this one goes from the surface deep down into the sea. The main figure in the poem takes slow and difficult steps into an alien dry land where he and she and you and I are no longer relevant distinctions.The undersea world is a gender free zone, and it rejects not only the patriarchal engineering that operates by power and force, but also the very distinction in the midst of categorizations of male and female. It is likely that Rich would be appreciative of Rukeysers insights, but much more insistent on doing something about them and moving on to find ways of freeing human beings from restrictive gender roles which are naught more than mythical or artistic creations.Ursula Le Guins story takes the archetypal myth of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden and explores an alternative ending where Eve rejects and undermines the patriarchal world differentiate set first by God and then by Adam. The story focuses on the art of naming as the key to control over the beasts, just as Rukeyser identifies the act of storytelling or painting as a way of controlling women.Le Guins this story undermines the wholly notion of pecking order and classification. It is more radical even than Richs world view, because it transcends either notions of the individual as a gendered or even as a human being. Le Guin renames trees as darkbranched tall dancers and the moon as winter shining which stresses what the entities do, and how they appear at that specific moment, rather than what some patriarchal authority defines them to be for all time.In conclusion, then, it is clear that all three authors share some common starting points in revisiting the patriarchal view of gender, where men are superior and women inferior, but they would probably have many points of variability and discussion about how to respond to this, whether by just describing it, insisting on the fluid nature of gender identity or imagining a whole new egalitarian world where individuals escape all categorization, taking nothing for granted and approaching every element in the world as something new.Works Cited. Gubar, S. and Gilbert, S. M. (eds) (1996) The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women The Traditions in English. New York W. W. Norton and Co.

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